
  • Model: Radek Kruczek
  • Program: Photoshop CS6
  • Number of Independent Layers: 5
  • Download: Portrait Pack
  • Mod: Dark Side of the Sword Coast

Though Bardo resembles his fellow halflings in appearance, he speaks with quiet brevity very unlike his kin. Born in the sleepy village of Gullykin, he claims to have lived a discontented childhood. Although he loved his home, he always felt restless, imagining that one day he would leave his quiet life behind and travel the lengths of Faerûn. His greatest wish was to experience exciting journeys like the ones he read about in books and heard from adventurers passing through his village.

The inhabitants of Gullykin always found him daydreaming, shirking his duties and wandering the nearby hills. To him, adventuring was everything. His wish was finally granted one day when his village was beset with a flurry of activity: A forest dragon had been sighted, traveling near Gullykin. Gandolar Luckyfoot organized a group to battle the dragon before it could approach the village. Bardo eagerly joined the effort, anxious to finally experience some adventure. You sense that his wanderlust is still strong, and that he is willing to follow you into danger without question.


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